Jumat, 26 Juni 2020

What is Katon • Gokakyu no Jutsu | Sasuke Uchiha | Juhara Jusuf

Katon • Gokakyu no Jutsu 🔥🔥🔥 - Fire Release • Great Fireball Technique

Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique

 Katon • Gokakyu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it.

Child becomes Adult

Katon no Jutsu such as this are seen as a rite of passage into adulthood for Uchiha clan members. Once the member can manipulate fire, they are finally recognized as no longer being a child.

The Great Fireball Technique

The user kneads chakra in their body and turns it into fire, which they then expel from their mouth; the more chakra they use, the more flames that are produced. Sometimes the flames lack a distinct shape, being only a stream, but more often than not they take the form of a giant orb that maintains its shape until hitting a target. Upon impact, the fireball is powerful enough to crater the ground and vaporise the surroundings. Against living targets, the fireball can cause extensive burns.
The Great Fireball Technique was created by the Uchiha clan, and over time became one of their signature abilities. The Uchiha in fact used the Great Fireball Technique as a coming of age rite, with members not being considered true adults until they learned to perform it. In keeping with this, the manga has only ever shown Uchiha using this technique; the anime at times depicts non-Uchiha performing it.


  • The characters for "Fireball (火球) also mean "bolide", "comet", and "shooting star".
  • Several different hand seals have been given for this technique during the course of the series:
    • Rin no Sho lists the hand seals as Horse and Tiger.
    • Hyō no Sho lists the hand seal as just Tiger.
    • In Naruto: Shippūden episode 15, Itachi uses Boar, Horse, and Tiger.

Juhara as Sasuke Uchiha

Uchiha Sasuke CN: @jusuf.ramadhan
From Naruto
Photo & retouch by: juhara

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https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Fire_Release:_Great_Fireball_Technique ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Senin, 22 Juni 2020

What is Sharingan | Sasuke Uchiha | Juhara Jusuf

"Sharingan" 😈

Uchiha Sasuke CN: @jusuf.ramadhan

The Sharingan (写輪眼Literally meaning: Copy Wheel Eye, Meaning (Viz): Mirror Wheel Eye) is the dōjutsu kekkei genkai of the Uchiha clan that appears selectively among its members. It is regarded as one of the "Three Great Dōjutsu", the others being the Byakugan and the Rinnegan. While its powers originated from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's Rinne Sharingan, its independent form was first manifested by Indra Ōtsutsuki (Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki in the anime)


 When a wielder of this kekkei genkai experiences a powerful emotional condition with regards to a person precious to them, their brain releases a special form of chakra that affects the optic nerves, transforming the eyes into Sharingan; for that reason the Sharingan is described as an "eye that reflects the heart" (心を写す瞳Kokoro o utsusu hitomi). Often, as per the Uchiha's so-called "Curse of Hatred", this emotion is a negative one, brought on by stress or loss. The emotion can also be positive, driven by a desire to protect or reunite with a loved one. In the anime, it was shown that usually after first acquiring this power, the user's enhanced perception will throw off their timing, causing them to overstress their bodies from trying to keep up with the increased reaction time, forcing the user to adjust to properly move with it. It was also shown during emotional states that begin to trigger the Sharingan's awakening, it can temporarily blur the person's eyesight until finally manifesting. Assuming that the user is aware they have awakened the Sharingan, they are thereafter able to freely use it. When first awakened, each Sharingan usually will have only one tomoe (), although in Obito Uchiha's case, as well as Itachi and Indra's in the anime, they immediately gained two tomoe in each of their eyes. Through training and continued use, the Sharingan will develop a second tomoe and then, upon full maturation, a third. With full maturation, the Sharingan's ability to read the opponent's movements is fully developed, which can cause the user's movements to drastically differ from their earlier movements if their Sharingan matured mid-battle. When Hagoromo awakened the Sharingan in the anime, he had all three tomoe immediately. All the Sharingan's abilities are available to the user from its earliest stage, but with greater development comes greater proficiency with those abilities. As with any dōjutsu, Sharingan can be transplanted into non-Uchiha. They are unable to deactivate it and its use has a greater chakra demand for them than for actual Uchiha, who need only minimal chakra to keep it active. For these reasons, non-Uchiha tend to cover their Sharingan when they aren't using it in order to conserve chakra. Sharingan that originate from the same Uchiha are still linked to some extent even when wielded by separate users, at times enabling those users to see the same things.


 The Sharingan grants the wielder two broad abilities: the "Eye of Insight" (洞察眼, Dōsatsugan) and the "Eye of Hypnotism" (催眠眼, Saimingan).[Although the abilities are not literally restricted to certain eyes, Madara Uchiha noted that the Sharingan can only be used to its full potential when both eyes are together. Even within these two categories, there may exist several distinct though similar abilities:
"Eye of Insight"
  1. The user can see chakra, giving it colour in order to distinguish it by its composition and source. Though not as capable in this regard as the Byakugan, it can see chakra through some (but not all) obstructions and detect irregularities in a person's chakra flow, such as those caused by genjutsu influence.
  2. The user is granted incredible clarity of perception, enabling them to read lips or mimic something like pencil movements. Sasuke Uchiha's Sharingan was even able to see on a cellular level. In combat, this allows them to see fast-moving objects and, once fully developed, offers some amount of predictive capabilities: they can anticipate an opponent's next move based on the slightest muscle tension in their body and act accordingly to dodge or intercept. They can also read the enemy's hand seals to give them an insight of the performed technique's nature, regardless of the speed of performance, so long as the hands are not physically hidden from view. Although a Sharingan user can see these things, they also need the physical ability to actually act on the visual information. In the anime, it is shown that with advanced enough prowess, via eye contact, the user can even enter the target's mind to look through their memories and even erase them within a long range for several targets.
  3. The user is able to copy almost any jutsu they see, memorising ninjutsugenjutsu, and taijutsu with near-perfect accuracy. They can then either perform that jutsu or modify it to suit their needs, as when Sasuke Uchiha bases his Lion Combo on Rock Lee's Front Lotus. Again, Sharingan users need the prerequisite abilities before they can mimic a jutsu they have seen, and for that reason they cannot, for example, reproduce kekkei genkai abilities they do not have or nature transformations they haven't learned to perform.
"Eye of Hypnotism"
  1. The user can perform what is generically called Genjutsu: Sharingan. While there are various manifestations and purposes of the ability, the better known one is to, through eye contact, suggest thoughts and actions to a target, coercing them to divulge information or act in a particular way, potentially without the target's awareness. In extreme cases, the Sharingan user can take complete control of the target's body, forcing them to do exactly as the controller wishes; this control is visually indicated by the Sharingan's design appearing in the target's eye. The Uchiha are particularly infamous for using this ability on the tailed beasts, and in fact can enter its or a jinchūriki's subconscious to more precisely control the beast's chakra. Multiple targets can be taken control of in this way, though the more divided the user's attention is, the easier it is for targets to escape this control.
  2. While not an ability per se, the Sharingan user can appear as if they are able to "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them.
In addition to these abilities there are two other jutsu that a Sharingan user can perform: Izanagi allows the user to warp reality for a short time, changing reality into illusion and illusion into reality, thus escaping death and rewriting destiny; Izanami traps the victim in an infinite loop disregarding the target's five senses, specifically designed as a reprimand for those who would abuse Izanagi. Use of either ability causes the Sharingan with which it is performed to be blinded afterwards, and for that reason the Uchiha classified them as kinjutsu.


  • The Sharingan can be evolved into the Mangekyō Sharingan by experiencing the trauma of loss, granting unique, user-specific jutsu in addition to the Sharingan's standard abilities. Awakening the Mangekyō Sharingan will automatically fully mature a Sharingan if it isn't already.
    • Use of the Mangekyō Sharingan causes blindness over time, but this can be negated by transplanting another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan from a close relative, such as a sibling, to acquire "eternal" Mangekyō that never lose their sight.
  • A Sharingan can become the Rinnegan, through mixing both Asura's chakra and Indra's chakra, which will bring out Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's chakra.[35] Both of Madara Uchiha's Sharingan became Rinnegan several decades after he integrated Hashirama Senju's DNA into his body. Sasuke Uchiha's left Sharingan became a Rinnegan after acquiring half of Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki's chakra. As shown with Madara, the awakening of the Rinnegan restores full eyesight to the eyes fixing the blindness caused from using Izanagi.
  • In the anime, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki was shown awakening his Mangekyō Sharingan and his Rinnegan, through a similar method that other wielders awaken their own Mangekyō. Hagoromo's Rinnegan was unique in that it awakened simultaneously with his Mangekyō, and skipped over it entirely in the process.


  • The kanji "Rin" (Literally meaning: Wheel) is also used in Rinnegan and Rinne Sharingan, potentially linking the three terms etymologically.
  • Kishimoto stated in the third databook that if a Sharingan user and a Byakugan user were to mate, their offspring would have one Byakugan and one Sharingan.
  • From what characters have noted, this dōjutsu apparently "glows" in the dark.
  • In the anime, two of Sasori's hundred puppets are seen with what appear to be Sharingan.
  • Although the Sharingan originated from Kaguya Ōtsutsuki's Rinne Sharingan, it was rumoured to be derived from the Byakugan.
  • In the novel, Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light, activating the Sharingan is described as dyeing the user's vision red, in addition to allowing them to see chakra.

Uchiha Sasuke CN: @jusuf.ramadhan
From Naruto
Photo & retouch by: juhara

Let's keep in touch on my others social media:
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Facebook: www.facebook.com/juharacosplay
Blog: juharajusuf.blogspot.com
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Cure worldcosplay: worldcosplay.net/member/juhara
Cosplayers global: cosplayers.global/id/users/juhara

If you like it, let me know comment below. Thanks to Credits Original Articles by https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Sharingan ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Minggu, 21 Juni 2020

What is Rasengan | Naruto Uzumaki | Juhara Jusuf

"RASENGANNN 🌀" Then I remember first jutsu Jiraiya-Sensei taught me is rasengan. 
He taught me how to rasengan with many balls. Now Kashin Koji's identity has been revealed. He is a clone of the Jiraiya-Sensei. It makes me goosebump.


The Rasengan is a spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand, which is only known to a handful of shinobi. 

The Rasengan was created by Minato Namikaze, which he based on the Tailed Beast Ball.
He spent three years creating the Rasengan, which he intended to be the highest form of shape transformation. Because it represents the high form of shape transformation, mastering the Rasengan also grants the user a great deal of mastery over shape transformation, even if they are unaware of the concept of shape transformation.

 Like many of Minato's jutsu, the Rasengan does not require hand seals to perform. Once it is formed, it also does not require any additional chakra to sustain it, which means that there is no definite limit to how long the Rasengan can be maintained. However, the Rasengan will dissipate if it collides with something, even if it's an unintended target. Though the Rasengan's shape is consistent from user to user, its size varies from only barely large enough to be noticeable to much larger than the user's hand. With greater experience with the Rasengan comes a larger size.

Jiraiya describes the Rasengan as stronger than the Chidori,a statement that Sasuke Uchiha concurs with after comparing the damage caused by the two attacks.On contact, the Rasengan grinds into its target, propels them along the Rasengan's trajectory - either away from the user or into the ground beneath them - and at some point bursts, causing severe damage at the point of contact.


The Rasengan requires extremely refined chakra control, something that very few ninja naturally possess. For this reason, the Rasengan is difficult to master. In order to help others gain the necessary chakra control, learning to use the Rasengan is broken into three steps: 

  1. Rotation - the user learns to spin their chakra in multiple directions at once. To help in this regard, users may be given a water balloon so that they can mark their progress by the churning water; this step is complete once the users is able to burst the balloon with their chakra. It is important for the user to know which direction their body naturally spins its chakra for this step.
  2. Power - the user must increase the volume and density of chakra they output. To help in this regard, users may be given a rubber ball: there is no water inside to help them burst the exterior and the rubber shell is thicker than a balloon's.
  3. Containment - the user must combine the first two steps into a contained sphere. To help in this regard, users may be given a balloon to help them visualise the intended shape; if the balloon is popped or otherwise moves, mastery is not yet achieved.

Completion of the final step is by far the most difficult. For this reason, Naruto Uzumaki and Konohamaru Sarutobi both use shadow clones to help them with forming the Rasengan, the clone's hands being used to create the shell. This gives each of them a shortcut to using the Rasengan without spending the time to fully master their chakra. Both do eventually learn to use the Rasengan without clones: Naruto during the Fourth Shinobi World War; Konohamaru during the decade after the war.


There are two broad methods by which the standard Rasengan's offensive potential can be increased: making the Rasengan itself bigger (as with the Big Ball Rasengan) or by using more than one Rasengan at a time (as with Spiralling Serial Spheres). Having absorbed Konohamaru's Rasengan, Momoshiki seamlessly melded it with his chakra to drastically increase its size. 

Minato created the Rasengan with the intention of combining it with his own nature, a task that proved too difficult for him to complete prior to his death. Kakashi Hatake also failed to combine the Rasengan with his own lightning-nature, causing him to invent the Chidori instead. Naruto initially struggles to combine the Rasengan with his wind-nature, which he describes as needing to look left and right at the same time. He is eventually able to overcome this obstacle by using a shadow clone to provide the nature transformation while he and another shadow clone form the Rasengan, thereby creating the Wind Release: Rasengan. By further shaping the Wind Release: Rasengan, Naruto creates the Wind Release: RasenshurikenBoruto Uzumaki unknowingly adds his lightning-nature to his Rasengan, allowing him to throw it at targets. 

Senjutsu Influence

When in Sage Mode, the user can use a senjutsu-enhanced version known as Sage Technique: Rasengan (仙術・螺旋丸Senjutsu: RasenganEnglish TV: Sage Art: Rasengan, Literally meaning: Sage Technique: Spiraling Sphere). It is fundamentally the same as the normal version, except stronger. While in Sage Mode, users have an easier time forming larger Rasengan, such as the Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan. For Naruto, it is while using Sage Mode that he is first able to throw the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken, which he was previously unable to do because it would sporadically lose its shape. 

Tailed Beast Influence

Naruto, as a jinchūriki, can use the Nine-Tails' chakra to assist in using the Rasengan. While using a version 1 cloak in Part I, he makes a Rasengan without the aid of a shadow clone, using the cloak itself to contain it. Due to the Nine-Tails' influence, this Rasengan is darker in colour and much stronger. Different video games have called it "Demon Fox Rasengan" (妖狐螺旋丸Yōko RasenganLiterally meaning: Demon Fox Spiralling Sphere), "Vermilion Rasengan" (朱い螺旋丸Shui RasenganLiterally meaning: Vermilion Spiralling Sphere), "Nine-Tails Rasengan" (九尾螺旋丸Kyūbi RasenganLiterally meaning: Nine-Tails Spiralling Sphere) and "Crimson Rasengan" (紅蓮螺旋丸Guren RasenganLiterally meaning: Crimson Spiralling Sphere). After learning to use the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode in Part II, Naruto uses chakra arms in place of a shadow clone to help him create the Rasengan. Because he can manifest multiple chakra arms at once, this in turn means he can use multiple Rasengan simultaneously, such as for the Spiralling Strife Spheres.
The Nine-Tails is uncooperative when Naruto first starts using the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, preventing him from using the Tailed Beast Ball. He tries to create an alternative in the Tailed Beast Rasengan, but he's unable to do so. The Nine-Tails does eventually agree to work with him, allowing him to use Tailed Beast Ball and thus making the Tailed Beast Rasengan unnecessary. Naruto is later given access to the other tailed beasts' chakra, whose natures he can apply to the Rasengan and its variants, as seen with the Sage Art: Magnet Release Rasengan.


  • The colouring of the standard Rasengan varies throughout the manga. On the cover of Volume 52, it's yellow, while in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations and on the covers of Volume 67 and third art book it is blue.

    • In the anime, when Naruto and his shadow clones used the Rasengan underwater, the rotation force was capable of creating a whirlpool.
    • In the anime, Naruto was capable of throwing his Rasengan, but in the manga, it was established that the Rasengan cannot be thrown.
    • In Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3, Jiraiya was capable of spewing fire onto his Rasengan, creating the Fire Release: Great Flame Rasengan.
    • According to the Fourth Databook, Minato tried to either combine Fire, Wind, or Lightning Release to his Rasengan before his untimely death.
    • Katasuke was able to use this technique through his Shinobi Gauntlet.
    • The video game Jump Super Stars is one of the few instances where Part 1 Naruto is able to access his non-clone-refined version of his Rasengan, dubbed as "Rasengan: In Training" (螺旋丸・修行中Rasengan: ShugyōchūLiterally meaning: Spiralling Sphere: In Training).


    Uzumaki Naruto CN: @jusuf.ramadhan

    From Naruto
    Photo & retouch by: juhara
    Costume by: @miya_inc 

    Let's keep in touch on my others social media:
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     I hope you all enjoy it guys. If you like it, let me know comment below. Thanks to Credits Original Articles by https://naruto.fandom.com/wiki/Rasengan ----------------------------------------------------------------------